Your Charter Rights are under attack again! This time from an absurd case at the Human Rights Tribunal in B.C. that puts your right to freedom of conscience in serious jeopardy. In a case that defies even the worst expectations of critics of Bill C-16 – intended to protect Transgender rights - a woman is being put before the Human Rights Tribunals for refusing to handle a stranger’s penis in front of her young daughter! In this article by Barbara Kay, the incredible story of the current application of Bill C-16 will shock you. Click here to view the article The fact that this case even made it to trial is already a massive affront to Canadian civil liberties. Soon, if we do nothing, it could be possible to live in a Canada where – believe it or not -- the government can force you to handle a stranger’s genitals, even in front of your children. We need to fight back against this massive attempt to curtail our personal liberty, because our country is going crazy, led by our very own Pied Piper, the Prime Minister of Canada. Help us take this fight forward on your behalf and consider making a contribution. Our hands are tied behind our backs without such support!
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