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Canada’s Submission to Sharia Law

Editor's Note: In this article on “Canada’s submission to Sharia law,” Mufti Aasim Rashid says in a video that the Canadian government wants to bring Sharia law to Canada. Is the Mufti right? With its majority in Parliament, the Liberal party forced the passage of Motion M-103 which condemns “Islamophobia,” a weaponized and controversial term. Prime Minister Trudeau asserts that “Islam is not incompatible with Western secular democracy,” but it seems to some Canadians that Trudeau wants our democracy to adapt itself to Islam.


Mufti Aasim Rashid

Canada does not need special Sharia courts. In October 2017, Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Smith has already ruled in favor Sharia law. The Judge found a Muslim man “not guilty of sexually assaulting his wife” because the government failed to prove that he knowingly violated the criminal code, when “on many occasions [he had sex with his wife] without her consent “as both he and she believed that he had the right to do so.” The man was found not guilty because it was “his honest belief that he had the right to have intercourse with her whenever he wanted.” Submission to Sharia Law is apparently also accepted by the Toronto District School Board. Its “Islamic Resource Guidebook for Educators 2017” has recommended Taha Ghayyur, known for advocating to gradually implement Islamic Law in North America. Ghayyur is the new Executive Director of the Islamic Society of North America. Also in October 2017, Mufti Aasim A. Rashid, Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation in Vancouver, spoke at Kamloops B.C., at Thompson Rivers University (the video was uploaded on Muhsineen YouTube Channel on October 21, 2017). He told his audience:

“I’ll tell you who wants to bring Sharia Law. The Canadian government wants to bring Sharia Law and this is not a joke. Why? Because Sharia Law is simply the way Muslims are doing things.” “The Canadian government wanted the Muslims to be able to regulate their own issues of marriage and divorce and set up a system of mediation and arbitration to solve their problems amongst themselves [according] to Sharia Law, so it is not a burden on the court system which is already so bogged down. The government told us – we would like you to have this system, and we would like to work on these initiatives with you [because] It’s unfair that a screech is created over everything and anything to do with Islam.” Is Rashid telling the truth? Does the government of Justin Trudeau favor Islamic Law? In successive television interviews on CBC, in January 2016, Trudeau insisted: “Islam is not incompatible with the Western secular democracy.”

INDEX: Mufti Aasim A. Rashid, Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation, Vancouver, BC In a lecture delivered in Kamloops B.C. at Thompson Rivers University (the video was uploaded on Muhsineen YouTube Channel on October 21, 2017), Mufti Aasim A. Rashid said the following: “I’ll tell you who wants to bring Sharia Law. The Canadian government wants to bring Sharia Law and this is not a joke. Why? Because Sharia Law is simply the way Muslims are doing things. We practice Sharia Law every time we go and pray and we perform the ablution before praying. That’s is Sharia Law. Every time we walk in the house and say “assalamualaikum” [peace be upon you] that’s Sahria Law. Every time we fast during the month of Ramadan, we pay our alms, we go for pilgrimage, it’s all Sharia Law. All of Islam is Sharia Law. What every Muslim does is Sharia Law. “But I know, I know what people are talking about. They are talking about certain sections of the penal code when a limb might be cut, a person might be flogged or striked for committing a certain act. So I’m here to tell you that those penal codes are not even implemented in most countries that say that they have true Shariah and no Muslim has any intention to bring that here. “And what I said about the Canadian government, the Canadian government wanted the Muslims to be able to regulate their own issues of marriage and divorce and set up a system of mediation and arbitration to solve their problems amongst themselves [according] to Sharia Law, so it is not a burden on the court system which is already so bogged down. The Canadian government wanted people like myself to sign off on custody cases where there was an allegation of parental abduction to verify that is the parent who was taking the child off to that country, are they Islamically authorized to do so or not, because there are many Muslim countries that we need see that verification from a Muslim scholar. “That is what Sharia Law means. And the government told us we would like you to have this system, and we would like to work on these initiatives with you. It’s unfair that a scare is created over everything and anything to do with Islam.” Essentials of Islamic Family Life – A Course Textbook by Mufti Aasim A. Rashid The following are excerpts from Rashid’s textbook: Roles, Duties and Obligations of the Husband Duty: Caring for her deen [religion] and prompting her to fulfill her religious obligations. Duty: Being protective of her honour and chastity Details: Make sure she observes ḥijāb and Islamic dress whenever she leaves the house Not allowing intermingling with non-maḥrams [close family relatives]. Roles, Duties and Obligations of the Wife Duty: Obeying him [the husband] in all permissible matters “… the Holy Prophet [Mohammad]… said: If I were to order anyone to prostrate to anyone other than Allah, I would command a wife to prostrate to her husband.” — (Tirmidhi) Duty: To not leave her house even to visit her own family members, without his permission “Men are caretakers of women… As for women of whom you fear rebellion, convince them, and leave them apart in beds, and beat them (lightly without causing injury)…” Q4:34 Duty: To fulfill his physical needs to the best of her ability Details: A women should not refuse intercourse with her husband without a valid reason “…the messenger of Allah [Mohammad]… said: When a man calls his wife to his bed, and she declines his invitation (without a valid excuse), and as a result of this, the husband spends the night angry with her, the angels curse her until she wakes up in the morning.” — (Bukhāri) Human Rights in Islam and Common Misconceptions” authored by Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha The book “Human Rights in Islam and Common Misconceptions” authored by Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha, was distributed for free at the Islamic booth at Dundas Square in Toronto. The following are excerpts from the book that deal with the Sharia Islamic Law: “The non-Muslim residents of an Islamic state are required to pay a minimal tax called “Jizyah.” “As for the previously married male or female who commit adultery, the punishment applied to them is stoning to death…” “If the robber kills and seizes the money, the punishment may be killing and crucifixion. If he takes money and threatens but does not kill or assault, the punishment may be amputation of his hand and leg. If he kills the victim but does not take his money, he may be executed as in murder.” “Allah set the penalty of cutting the hand as a penalty for theft.” This article was originally published on the American Center For Democracy website on February 4, 2018 and can be viewed on their website by clicking here.

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