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Is there a terrorist out there that Justin Trudeau doesn’t like?

Editor's Note: Just as the passage of Motion M-103 by the Liberal majority government is considered by many to be an attempt to win the Muslim vote without regard to its potential impact on free speech, Prime Minister Trudeau’s association with a convicted Sikh terrorist also seems to have political motives. In his quest to win the political support of Canada’s ethnic and religious minorities – even at the expense of Canada’s interests, Trudeau appears to be willing to support any agenda and associate with any person.


Justin Trudeau’s family vacation to India turned from a national embarrassment to an international incident when Jaspal Atwal, a former member of the International Sikh Youth Federation, a banned terrorist group in Canada, the U.K., the U.S. and India, was invited to dine with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a formal event hosted by the Canadian High Commissioner on Thursday in Delhi.

Atwal was convicted, in a Canadian court, of the attempted murder of Indian cabinet minister, Malkiat Singh Sidhu, on Vancouver Island in 1986 and was also charged, but not convicted, for a 1985 near-fatal attack on Ujjal Dosanjh who later became premier of British Columbia.

In one move, Justin Trudeau has managed to sour our relationship with India, embarrass Canada, support terrorism and undermine our legal system. Enough is enough. Trudeau’s rule gets more dangerous everyday he is in office.

In case the Prime Minister tries to deny his association to Jasper Atwal, here are pictures of the two together when Trudeau was an MP and when he was party leader:

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