Note: Writing Challenge and Sample Letter Below!
Your participation is working – political parties begin to engage on the Global Compact on Migration!
Two federal political parties have entered the debate on the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Recall that this Compact, to be signed in December by Canada, calls for national controls over borders and migration to be subservient to the “pre-eminence” of international law. Much more than this, though, is its requirement to control speech so that criticism of such mass migration policies and the political outlooks of migrants be “eliminated” – even if it takes the defunding of errant media outlets.
The Compact is truly an international M-103 on steroids. Question is, did your letters and participation in the related C3RF petition spur this political interest? One can’t say positively but one thing is for sure; two weeks ago when C3RF began to draw attention to the Compact the issue was nowhere to be seen. I think you should take a bow!
As for movement on the file, the Conservative Party of Canada dipped a little toe into the sovereignty-crushing waters of the Compact. It has done so through its workhorse, shadow immigration Minister, Michelle Rempel. She engaged the issue in a Facebook video that, from the 4:45 mark on, stresses that the Conservatives are all in for Canada maintaining sovereignty over national borders and immigration policies even as it pooh-poohs the Compact as “non-binding”. This really begs the question, if the Compact can be seen as calling for the abrogation of Canadian control in migration matters and it is “non-binding”, why not simply refute it as the U.S. and Hungary have? After all, once Canada signs the Compact the pressure will be on to abide by its stated commitment to honour the internationalization of borders even as criticism of same is “eliminated”. Why bother?
The bigger news, however, comes from the People’s Party of Canada (PPC). Under the sponsorship of its leader, Maxime Bernier, it not only calls for a pause to debate the subject it calls for an outright withdrawal from the agreement. No Canadian signature on the Compact this December in Morocco! The PPC does this through a Government of Canada petition that can be signed here. Please consider signing and distributing as far and wide as you can. It needs 500 signatures to be posted and presented to the House of Commons and finally bring the Compact into the foreground.
There is no doubt that now is the time to further encourage our political representatives to engage the nation-changing issues embedded in the Global Compact on Migration. The Conservative Party seems to be moving in this direction and the PPC leaves no doubt about where it stands. The other political parties, however, have yet to engage. This is so even as the C3RF has formally requested all parties to provide information on where they officially stand regards the Compact’s threat to national sovereignty, security and the fundamental Charter Rights of individual Canadians. This request was posed, on your behalf, this past week. I bet we can prompt such responses with letters written by constituents such as you. Please join in a dedicated letter-writing campaign that asks your MP to engage on this subject.
Email to your MP – Global Compact on Migration
Here’s a sample email for your use or modification as required. Your MP’s email address can be found here.
Dear your MP,
I have been doing my best to follow Canada’s participation in the unfolding U.N. Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. As you might be aware, with no help from the mainstream media by the way, Canada is set to sign the agreement in December with little to no public debate on the critical issues it raises. These issues include the coordination of national border control measures and immigration policies with the international community-at-large. This is concerning in itself but is compounded by the stated requirement to "eliminate" any discrimination or criticism that might ensue.
I regret to say that this is beginning to feel like the railroad job that was Motion M-103 and its attempt to shove “Islamophobia” down the throats of good Canadians. It did so even as it maneuvered to restrict the free speech rights of these same Canadians to complain about the process and the prospect of being labelled as serial haters. Here again with this Compact we see our own government siding with bureaucrats and special interests in calling for the “elimination” of discrimination to include the defunding of errant media outlets. These and other incredible restrictions to national sovereignty and individual rights can be found here.
I am very concerned. Please, as my representative, look into these matters related to the Compact and report to me what is being done to delay Canada’s involvement in such a nation-changing initiative. I do not buy that the agreement is “non-binding”. M-103 was advertised as “non-binding” as well and it has resulted in the award of millions of dollars to organizations that are allegedly mired in corruption and the support of terrorism. I direct your attention to the analysis presented here. The country needs time to involve itself in a national debate on the issue of the Global Compact on Migration. I’m afraid my faith in you and the institution of the Government of Canada hangs in the balance until such a debate is realized.
Your name
Your address
PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU DO WRITE AN EMAIL (russ.cooper@canadiancitizens.org). As well, it is best if you try and put it in your own words.
Another C3RF success – your letters spur MPs to look into the terrorism funding matter!
Recall last week’s letter-writing campaign designed to bring your MPs attention to allegations made by Tom Quiggin. These were researched and considered allegations that traced your taxpayer money as it moved from the Motion M-103 initiative into the hands of overseas terrorist organizations. These allegations were scandalous as they meticulously built the case that our own federal government agencies and personalities were involved in the transfer of funds to these illicit organizations.
We can now report that this C3RF letter-writing campaign has been successful with Members of Parliament responding. In one case, a highly placed House of Commons committee chair has agreed to meet with Mr. Quiggin to learn more on the matter. This is how things begin to change and, once again, you deserve to take a bow!
C3RF Twitter Highlights
Theme-based Twitter highlights this week home-in on yet another government-sponsored attack on your Constitution. This time it comes in the form of a “Pollution Tax”, otherwise known as a “Carbon Tax”, on four provinces. These provinces have determined to opt out of a federal carbon tax as they deem it useless in affecting Green House Gas emission reductions. More than this, they see it as a money grab.
This will be an interesting case to follow as it will likely determine whether or not Canada will remain a confederation of strong provinces or a centrally-controlled state.
Guess which one stands to “quell” your individual and fundamental rights and freedoms. Here’s a smattering of related tweets:
Ongoing operations and trends
C3RF is committed to raising public awareness on matters that involve your fundamental Charter Rights. As can be seen above, the list of threats to these freedoms is increasing and growing fast. It’s as though they represent a threat to certain political agendas and must be diminished come hell or high water.
Please note that efforts aimed at preserving the fundamental rights and freedoms of Canadians are not without cost. For those of you who have recently contributed to our coffers, thank you very much. We cannot continue to operate and progress such initiatives without such aid. Having said that, we could certainly use a lot more of it from all others and hope you can contribute towards making a difference. If you are able to make a monthly donation, no matter how small, even $5/month, it will help us plan our finances and provide funding for a rainy day which is sure to come.
And while you're considering making a difference, please follow C3RF on Twitter, on Facebook and on our web site and share with friends our great content and a realistic outlook on the continuing battle for Charter Rights in Canada.
Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd)
Co-Chair C3RF