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C3RF Member Update - 14 December, 2018

Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights & Freedoms

Note: Petitions to sign below!
C3RF members – take a bow!

All C3RF members who participated in signing petitions, writing letters and attending rallies dedicated to taking Canada out of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration need to take a bow. True, misguided Canadian officials did sign the Compact this week but they did not do so as silently as they wished. Indeed, your efforts have brought the Compact and its signing to national attention. Canadians across the land are now aware of the Agreement’s globalist objectives and the potential for the loss of Canadian sovereignty and individual rights. Additionally and most importantly, the Official Opposition has decided to weigh-in against the Compact and promise to nix it should they come to power next year. This, even as citizens from across Canada descended on legislative institutions and highway overpasses to express their displeasure this past Saturday.

Hundreds rally across the country against the Global Compact on Migration

Coordinated, cross country rallies were held on 08 December, 2018. Five hundred concerned citizens, from a variety of patriotic organizations including C3RF, protested against the Migration Compact on Parliament Hill where they were opposed by violent Antifa opposition. It was interesting to note that media coverage of this violence was non-specific thereby leaving the impression it might have been the pro-Canadian patriots that acted violently. This was not the case. Nine were arrested from the Antifa ranks with one charged with assaulting a police officer. ACT! for Canada helped organize this protest and its leader, Valerie Price, spoke eloquently at the rally. She was followed by terrorism expert, Tom Quiggin, and a visiting activist from Denmark, Rasmus Paludan. Val’s speech can be seen in this 8-minute video and this 26-minute video shows some Antifa antics along with speeches by Val and Tom Quiggin.

Hundreds more Canadians rallied peacefully in Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and even Dawson Creek. They all expressed a frustration with having nonsensical and lopsided immigration policies “shoved down their throats”. Many more highway “overpass” demonstrations took place simultaneously. These were largely organized by the group “Canadian Coalition for Responsible Government (CC4RG) and introduced thousands of Canadian motorists to Canada’s under-the-radar attempt to give away its immigration policies. The largest of these took place in Langley, British Columbia with 50 or so patriots giving motorists cause to rubber-neck on the Trans-Canada highway. All-in-all, these rallies and demonstrations focused national media attention on the merits of the Compact for the first time. Canadians have finally been alerted to the dangers associated with the Compact and are now in the mood for a national debate.

The Global Compact on Migration – Finally, a national debate!

All these rallies and all your efforts have succeeded in finally thrusting the Global Compact on Migration into the public square for debate. The arguments for the initiative are now being flushed out into the open with the likes of immigration minister Ahmed Hussen, journalist Andrew Coyne and Compact architect Louise Arbour finally breaking their silence on the issue. One wonders why they did not feel compelled to discuss their viewpoints with Canadians before the subject material became controversial.

Debating Canada’s Minister of Immigration

Canada’s Minister of Immigration justifies the Compact by noting it will allow Canada to work more seamlessly with other nations to curtail “irregular”, read illegal, migration. He uses the example of “irregular” crossings at Canada’s southern border with Upper New York State. His solution for curbing this flow of tens of thousands of illegal migrants is to work with countries that produce these “irregular” flows to develop “job creation and skills-development programs that enables them…to ensure a better future for their people”. His reasoning is in line with the Compact which calls for “poverty eradication”, not to mention investment in infrastructure to create jobs in far-away lands. Will such wealth redistribution programs really work? What about Canadian job and infrastructure programs? Would our southern border problem be better addressed by tweaking our bi-lateral “Third Safe Country Agreement” with the United States?

Debating Canada’s elite media

Andrew Coyne agrees that such wealth redistribution programs are required by the Compact but goes on to state that such stated initiatives are “non-binding” - Canada can renege if it wants to! He seems nonchalant about the prospect of defaulting on promises made and even acknowledges that such departures will be required to avoid the Compact’s limitations on a free press. One wonders, if it is intended to break the conditions of such a Compact then why would any self-respecting country sign it in the first place?

Debating Canada’s architect of the Global Compact on Migration

Louise Arbour is disturbed by the “rampant misinformation” being pedaled by the Compact’s critics. She agrees with Coyne that there are no impositions placed upon signatory nations which is surprising given her judicial background. After all, as a former Supreme Court of Canada Justice she knows that international law routinely informs Canadian domestic law. This is particularly the case with human rights matters which, by the way, are called up repeatedly by GCM objectives. This fact has been picked up by the opposition Conservative Party in its dissenting report regards the signing of the GCM. The Report notes that Canadian courts are obligated to consider international law and that the government has admitted as much in stating that “non-binding agreements like the Global Compact for Migration can become customary international law and inform the interpretation of domestic law”. Why would Ms. Arbour not know this?

Fact is, the GCM calls up a need for signatory countries to “conform”, “accord”, “be consistent”, “be in line” or “be obligated” with international law on 22 separate occasions. The Compact has 23 stated objectives. It is also interesting to note that, while the Compact burdens signatory nations with legal responsibilities well beyond its sovereign reach, it never burdens the migrant with the need to “assimilate” or consider “assimilation”. These two words are nowhere to be seen within the document.

Perhaps Ms. Arbour is correct and an international judiciary will not dictate our Canadian domestic law over the objections of our sovereign state. The question then becomes, will international law “enable ‘progressives’ within each nation’s government to liberalize domestic refugee and immigration laws using the excuse that “the UN made us do it.” When it comes to a post-national Canada, a Canada with no “core values” as our own Prime minister has stated, one might think that we have a lot to worry about.


Ongoing operations and trends

The Government of Canada was unsuccessful in hiding the Global Compact on Migration from the good citizens of Canada. They came close but, as was the case with their Motion M-103/ Islamophobia initiative, your attention was brought to bear before they could escape a debate. Time now to keep the pressure on and force a withdrawal from this dangerous Agreement. This Agreement stands to imperil our national sovereignty and security even as it diminishes our individual rights and freedoms. This rush to globalization needs to become the ballot-box question of next year’s federal election. Canadians need to be able to express their desires on such a critical matter through a referendum. The group Canadian Coalition for Responsible Government (CC4RG) has formulated a petition that calls for such a referendum. It can be found here and your signature will result in a related email being sent directly to petition addressees. Please review, consider and sign.

Another petition that requires your attention is the one sponsored by Maxime Bernier of the People’s Party of Canada. Although Canada has already signed on to the GCM, additional signatures to Petition E-1906 opposing it will send a clear message and, if there is a change in government in October, 2019, may even result in Canada withdrawing from the disastrous sovereignty and free speech-crushing Global Compact on Migration.

We need your continued support

Please note that efforts aimed at preserving the fundamental rights and freedoms of Canadians are not without cost. For those of you who have recently contributed to our coffers, thank you very much. We cannot continue to operate and progress such initiatives without such aid. The funds you so generously donate go directly into campaigning, events, bookkeeping, technology costs and legal advice. When these basic services are met, we use excess funding to assist other groups in advancing the cause of Canadian individual rights within a strong and free Canada. We also contribute to related legal proceedings and charitable activities when able. Please consider a one-time donation or a monthly contribution. Monthly donations, no matter how small, even $5/month, help us plan our finances in advance and provide us with greater flexibility.

And while you're considering making a difference, please follow C3RF on Twitter, on Facebook and on our web site and share with friends our great content and a realistic outlook on the continuing battle for Charter Rights in Canada.

Major Russ Cooper (Ret'd)

Co-Chair C3RF


© 2025 by Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms, a Mozuud Freedom Foundation project.

Suite #107, 11-300 Earl Grey Drive, Kanata, ON, K2T 1C1, Canada

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